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The Women Empowerment Initiative: Everything You Need to Know Ahead of SBC Summit

Thursday 12 de September 2024 / 12:00

2 minutos de lectura

(Lisbon).- "With the launch of the Women Empowerment Initiative, we’re opening a new chapter—one where women are not only included but celebrated, supported, and given the space to thrive", said Maria (Masha) Tsnompilantze, who shared this article.

The Women Empowerment Initiative: Everything You Need to Know Ahead of SBC Summit

We’re kicking off this initiative at SBC Summit in Lisbon with a clear goal: to connect, uplift, and empower the women who are shaping our industry’s future. This is just the beginning of a journey that will continue to evolve, and we want you to be a part of it.

The name for this initiative actually came to life during the Canadian Gaming Summit. A few of us had squeezed in some time between back-to-back meetings to make sure we didn’t miss our weekly brainstorming session—something we had started back in March 2024. As we tossed around different name ideas, the reactions were pretty mixed:

“That sounds way too cheesy.”

“This one doesn’t quite capture the essence.”

“Oh wait, this is already taken!”

It was frustrating, to say the least. Then, out of the blue, Kelli Weaver casually suggested, “Why don’t we call it the WE Initiative? At the end of the day, it’s about bringing women together.”

And just like that, something clicked.

This initiative was precisely about that. Bringing us, women, together.

“WE.” “We’re not talking about the typical “us versus them” situation here. Instead, WE means everyone uniting for the same goal, harnessing the power of collective effort and collaboration.”

And then we realised something: the “E” in “WE” could stand for empowerment.

It was perfect.

As event organisers, we’ve seen firsthand that some women in our industry need more than just encouragement; they need real support. But when we talk about support, we don’t just mean “a place to vent our frustrations” (although let’s be honest, we all need that sometimes and it’s also very valid).

We’re talking about professional #growth: support in getting more women on panels, support in helping them build personal #brands, supporting associations and organisations that are dedicated to uplifting women and even supporting women in having some fun by hosting dedicated events. And perhaps most importantly, we want to recognise those who go above and beyond for other women in the industry.

Now, I know this all sounds simple in theory, but if you’re even remotely familiar with how the events industry works, you know it’s anything but. Take organising a dinner, for example.

Seems easy, right?

Just pick a time, date, venue, and invite people. But with everything going on at SBC events, especially at SBC Summit where the initiative is launching, it’s not that straightforward.

Let me give you a quick example.

We initially planned to host the dînatoire (more on this fancy word and what it means later) on Tuesday evening. Then we realised—it would clash with the SBC Leaders Summit dinner. And as we all know, there aren’t a ton of women in C-level positions in our industry. We didn’t want to pull away those few women from the leaders' dinner, where female representation is just as crucial. This is just one small example of how an idea can hit a real-world snag and suddenly become a lot more complicated.

I’m not going to sugarcoat it—there were moments when we sat around feeling a bit deflated, wondering how we could balance it all. But then we had a realisation: the whole point of an initiative is to make a start, to take a step in the right direction.

We DON’T have to get everything perfect right away (and wouldn’t that be a little boring anyway?). What we can do is build the right foundations with the right intentions—and do our best, with heart, to make it work.

And that’s exactly what the Women Empowerment Initiative, or WE Initiative, is all about—the right intent.

Now, let me walk you through everything we’ve planned for the SBC Summit in Lisbon, so you can take a look at what’s on offer and maybe even add some of these events to your schedule.

First and Foremost: None of This Would Have Been Possible Without...

I think it’s really important to start by sharing something that’s been at the heart of this initiative from the beginning. As event organisers, one of our biggest goals wasn’t just to create something new for women in the industry, but to first identify and build relationships with the amazing organisations, associations, and groups that are already doing meaningful work for women. Each of them has a slightly different focus, but they all share the same core mission: to uplift and support women in this industry. And we wanted to make sure we supported that in every way we could.

We’ve had some experience in this space before. For years, we’ve co-hosted the Global Gaming Women (GGW) breakfast—an event that has now become a tradition. When we held our first event in Rio, we partnered with the Brazil-based AMIG to help introduce their association to a broader audience. We also worked with the Women in Gaming Malta group for our CasinoBeats Summit event.

But while planning the SBC Summit, we had this big realisation: how cool would it be to bring all these groups together in one place? After all, this is our flagship global event, so why not give them a platform to not only showcase what they do but also to share how women in the industry can get involved, whether through memberships, mentorship programs, or training opportunities?

With the help of our team members (shoutout to Lucía Mouriño, Sue Schneider, Louise Beyer Mouton) here who already had great relationships with some of the key women in these organisations, we managed to pull it off. And now, we’re thrilled to share that we’ve got the backing of some incredible groups, including:

This was our first win, and it was a big one! How amazing is it that we’ve been able to bring these incredible organisations together, all working toward the same goal?

It’s a reminder that when women support each other, incredible things happen.

The Lisbon Agenda

Now it's time to talk about the Lisbon agenda and what we have planned. If you're more of a visual person, all the details are up on our new webpage (thanks to Elodie Nunn for making it look great). But for those of you reading along, here’s a full rundown of what’s in store.

Global Gaming Women Breakfast Meet-up

We kick things off on Wednesday with the Global Gaming Women Breakfast Meet-up from 10:00 to 11:00 between Halls 1 & 2 (A884). You probably know how this works, but here’s a quick refresher.

It’s a casual, no-pressure gathering where you can enjoy a good breakfast (muffins, croissants, fruit salads, oats) and, yes, mimosas. It’s a nice way to start the day, meet other women in the industry, and build connections. There’s no set agenda—just show up, relax, and chat with whoever you like.

One quick note: If you’re planning to attend, please RSVP here. It’s not required for entry, but it helps us a lot with planning (especially when it comes to ordering food). We want to make sure no one misses out on breakfast, so a quick RSVP will help us prepare for everyone.

Women in Gaming Meetup

Next up on the agenda is the Women in Gaming Meetup, happening from 14:00 to 15:00, also between Halls 1 and 2 (A884). It’s on the same day as the breakfast, but this one has a different vibe.

Let me explain.

While the breakfast is more of a casual get-together, this meetup takes on a more focused tone. It’s a fantastic opportunity to meet the organisations and associations we mentioned earlier—the ones that are actively supporting women in the industry. Groups like All In Diversity, AMIG, ASFEG, Global Gaming Women, SheEOs, Women in Gaming Malta, and the Women in Gaming African Chapter will all be there. This is your chance to talk with them, ask questions, learn about their initiatives, and show your support. Whether you're curious about joining, looking for leadership training, or just want to understand how these groups are helping women in gaming, this is the place to do it.

Another cool feature of this meetup: we’ll have coloured tags with different keywords on them which you can all pick up depending on what you’re interested in discussing. Whether it’s career progression, #mentorship, or something else, just grab the cup that fits your focus. It’ll make it super easy to spot others who want to talk about the same things, and it’s a great way to break the ice and start meaningful conversations.

Here are some of the key topics we’ll be diving into:

  • Red: I’m looking for guidance to advance in my career – Promotion
  • Green: I want to help others progress in their careers and offer advice – Motivate
  • Blue: I’d like to learn how to better manage stress – Stress
  • Yellow: I recently changed jobs and want to expand my network – Networking
  • Pink: I’m considering a career shift but want to stay in the industry – Career Change

Conference Content

Now let’s move on to Thursday and the conference side of the Women Empowerment Initiative. This part of the initiative was brilliantly put together by our colleague, Natalie Lees and I have to take a moment to mention just how much effort went into making this happen.

Here’s something you might not know—we managed to secure the Super Stage at the MEO Arena for this event, which is one of the biggest indoor arenas in Europe. It’s the same stage that will be hosting major names like Tony Hawk and the inventor of the World Wide Web, so it was important to us that the women speaking as part of this initiative get the same platform. For us, it was about making a statement—showcasing that women’s voices deserve to be heard on the biggest stages, right alongside the top stars (so let’s fill that Super Stage with people to hear the incredible women we’ve invited to speak!

Let me give you a sneak peek of what’s in store.

The goal is simple: we want to provide inspiration, a platform for the supporting associations to share their story and a platform to celebrate women’s leadership, their strategic expertise, and their impact in the male-dominated sports betting and iGaming industries.

Welcome to the Women Empowerment Initiative: Meet Our Supporting Associations

It all kicks off with our panel, Welcome to the Women Empowerment Initiative: Meet Our Supporting Associations. I’ll be delivering the introduction to give everyone an overview of what this initiative is really about. Then, we’ll pass the mic to representatives from each supporting association, giving them a chance to introduce their work and explain how they’re empowering women in the industry. It’s a chance to expand on what we touched on at Wednesday’s meetup but with a larger audience.


Words of Wisdom

Following that, we have a session I’m particularly excited about; Words of Wisdom. The idea is simple but powerful—Natalie has invited some of the top women leaders in the industry to share their thoughts, insights, and advice. Each speaker will have a minute or two to deliver their "words of wisdom," whether it’s a piece of advice, a career lesson, or even predictions about the next big trends in sports betting or gaming. The stage will be theirs, and it’s their moment to speak their truth and share what really matters to them.

While I can’t reveal all the names just yet (trust me, Natalie would have my head!), I can tell you that Julia Weygandt (COO, from Global Gaming Women will be hosting this session, and we have some amazing women lined up—both in person and via video conference.

Understanding the New Wave: Female Players and Customers in Esports, Gaming, and Gambling

The next panel shifts gears from inspiration and introductions to something more strategic—something directly related to the industry we work in. It’s called Understanding the New Wave: Female Players and Customers in Esports, Gaming, and Gambling.

Here’s the deal: in 2023 and 2024, women made up about 45% of the global video game player base, and data from gambling operators shows that a significant portion of their players are women, particularly those between the ages of 18 and 54. This is a demographic that simply can’t be overlooked when operators and affiliates are positioning their brands and strategies. Understanding the female player is becoming essential to how we think about engagement and growth in these industries.

In this panel, we’ll have women from various parts of the industry take the stage and break down how to better understand this growing female player base. It’s an important discussion for anyone in the gaming and gambling sectors, whether you’re looking at marketing, product development, or customer experience.

Now, I know this panel falls under the Women Empowerment track, but I want to be clear—this isn’t just a session for women. In fact, it’s a great opportunity to remind everyone that while this initiative focuses on women, men are absolutely welcome too. We’re always happy to see allies who understand the importance of amplifying women’s voices in the industry. So, please join us!


Big Question: What’s Next for the Gambling Industry?

Last but definitely not least, we have the big one: Big Question: What’s Next for the Gambling Industry? This is the final panel in the Women Empowerment #conference segment, and it’s all about looking ahead to the future of our industry.

Now, I know—you’ve probably seen plenty of "what’s next for the industry" panels before, and on the surface, it might not sound like anything groundbreaking. But here’s the thing: most of those panels have been pretty male-dominated. We wanted to shake things up and bring a fresh perspective to the conversation. So, for this session, we’ve invited only women—leaders from different verticals in the industry—to take the stage and discuss the future.

We’ll dive into everything: What’s next for #sportsbetting? What’s the future of #casinos and online gaming? What’s happening with #affiliates? What trends are shaping the industry right now, and what should we all be preparing for?

This is going to be a strategy-focused session featuring insights from some of the top female leaders in the industry. It’s not just another "future of gambling" panel—it’s a chance to hear these vital discussions from a female perspective, something that doesn’t happen nearly enough in our industry.


The Dînatoire (Invite-only)

The final part of our initiative in Lisbon involves a special event we’re calling a dînatoire. Now, I’ll admit, this term was new to me (and pretty much everyone else on our team), so shout out to Charlotte Gaskin from the events team for introducing it to our vocabulary! In case you’re also scratching your head, a dînatoire is basically an informal gathering where guests can enjoy food and drinks, but without the formality of a sit-down dinner. There’s no assigned seating, and you can help yourself to as much—or as little—as you like. So yes, there will be food, but think more along the lines of canapés rather than a full dinner.

Why a dînatoire? Well, SBC is known for organising special side events and dinners for different communities—whether it’s for affiliate leaders, operators from our SBC Leaders community, or payment professionals. And we figured, why not do the same for the amazing women in our industry? So, we’re making it happen! It’s also taking place on Thursday, so it’s the perfect way to wrap up the event and spend some time with all the wonderful people you’ve met over the past few days. Plus, it’s always a good idea to end things on a high note with good food, good music, and great company.

Speaking of music, Lucy Brackpool & Charlotte Gaskin from the events team have arranged for a live band to play during the dînatoire, so it’s going to be a fantastic atmosphere. And if you’re planning on attending the awards later that night, no worries—the dînatoire runs from 17:30 to 19:30, giving you plenty of time to make it to the awards.

(Tip: I’m planning to wear my awards dress to the dînatoire just in case I don’t have time to change afterwards—feel free to do the same if you’re in the same boat!)

And now, one last exciting thing to mention—something we’re really looking forward to at the dînatoire! Some of you might’ve seen this already, or maybe you even participated, but a while back, we asked for your nominations for the Women Empowerment Initiative Recognition Awards. Nothing too fancy, no grand fanfare, but we felt it was important to take a moment to honour the women who have gone above and beyond to empower their peers.

These women deserve a round of applause for dedicating their time, energy, and heart to uplifting others in their own unique and impactful ways—all while balancing demanding careers and personal lives. We wanted to recognise and celebrate that.

We’ve got two award categories:

  • Empowering Women in Gaming Recognition: This award is for a woman who has not only excelled in her professional role but has also made a long-term commitment to championing the empowerment of fellow women in the gaming industry. She’s someone who has built a reputation for fostering a culture of inclusivity, resilience, and mentorship, often through proactive initiatives.
  • Rising Star in Empowering Women in Gaming Recognition: While legacy is often celebrated, we believe it’s just as important to recognise those women who have only recently started their journey of empowering others but have already shown exceptional dedication and passion for the cause. These are the future leaders who are already making an impact.

So….we’ll be holding a small recognition ceremony during the dînatoire, and we would absolutely love for you to join us in celebrating these incredible women (the winners were chosen by the SBC team based on your nominations).

One last thing: the location for the dînatoire will be announced later this week, so keep an eye out for that update. And, most importantly, this event is invite-only. If you haven’t been contacted yet but are interested in attending, just reach out to someone from the SBC team.

Final thoughts

The last thing I want to mention is that the Women Empowerment Initiative doesn’t end in Lisbon—this is just the beginning. A great start, yes, but still just the start. We’ll be working to expand and evolve what this initiative means and how it can continue to support women in our industry at all our future events. So, stay tuned!

We want to hear from you—your ideas, your thoughts, and your feedback. We’re open to everything because this is an initiative that’s meant to grow with the women it’s designed to uplift. As event organisers, we’re eager to know what you want to see and experience, so don’t hesitate to reach out and share.

Let’s keep the conversation going. Stay connected with us, and let’s continue to build something meaningful together!

P.S. A heartfelt thanks to our very own Lucía Mouriño for her exceptional project management on our side, always dedicating time and passion to this project.


Tags: SBC Summit,

País: Portugal

Región: EMEA


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